Tina in kimono at Holloween (No, her hair isn't really gray.)

Wednesday evening I had my last dinner with Tina. For those of you who don't know Tina is my daughter Kat's college roomie. She moved here after graduating from Wells with Kat. Kat went to Japan and taught English on the JET program, Tina got work here. Now Kat is back from Japan and Tina is going to Japan to be a JET teacher. Tina & I have had a lot of good times in the last 4 years; we've gone shopping, visited local art exhibits, hiked a few metro park trails, gone to a local orchard and eaten a lot of dinners at various buffets. Wednesday Tina hosted a modest farewell party at her place - a wonderful little picnic and a quiet way to say goodbye. Now she has an orientation meeting for JET in DC, then she's going back to upstate New York for a month with her family. By the 1st of August she will be half way around the world. It has been a great 4 years with Tina as my friend, May You Live Well & Prosper Tina !
The artwork is Tina's, done for her grandmother's autobiography.