Sunday, December 15, 2013

Banner Project Finished

2013 has been a very frustrating year.  What with extra training at work and thus no vacation time I was hard pressed to get even the most basic of routine tasks done.  But I did get one project done I’ve wanted to do for quite some time, so it wasn’t a total loss. 


This is a merit sash of sorts.  The top half is shooting or buckskinning organizations I’ve joined at one time or another.  Then there are events were I was part of the teaching or demonstrating staff.  Near the bottom are patches from the ATC from my early backpacking days, a BSA badge from a Ukrainian Orthodox summer camp where I sang in the choir for the closing liturgy, and a Girl Scout patch from my 1st ever historic presentation (I was a scout in Juliet Lowe’s 1st troop on the occasion of the centennial of her birth).  At the bottom there’s a State Seal of Michigan patch (my home state) and a patch from my Girl Scout Camp.  My 1st experiences with living outdoors came during those 4 years at Camp Shawadasee and they were very very good ones.

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