Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas to One and All

As luck would have it I’m off work for both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year.  WooHoo!   I had intended to go to the St. Nicholas church for services Christmas Eve but there was freezing rain here that night.  Somehow a 32 mile drive home at 2-ish am seemed a bad idea, so I went to the local Christmas Eve Carols service just up the road and had a wonderful time. 


Pippen Enjoying a Christmas Day Nap

Then I did another drive around on the way home to enjoy the Holiday Lights and fixed myself a nice fish dinner complete with ice cream for dessert. 


Paws-in-Trouble Enjoying a Christmas Day Nap

NPR let me down though – in the past NPR has featured 24 hours of Holiday music on Christmas.  This year there was music Christmas Eve but mostly talk shows on Christmas Day.   ?????  So I listened to my iPod instead.  And kept track of Santa’s delivery via NORAD while reworking an 18th century apple green petticoat I was given many years ago.  Its now been over-dyed with tan, which gives it a better period color, and the side slits for pocket access have gotten real plackets installed.  (That way the pocket slit doesn’t rip out again.)  It’s a nice light weight cotton fabric, perfect for those hot Virginia days.

So OK, that’s not the most eventful Christmas I’ve ever had.  But it was quiet, restful and I enjoyed it immensely.  What more can one ask?  I pray all my friends and family had as glorious a holiday season.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Birthday

So today is my birthday, I have reached the venerable (or at least senior citizen) age of 62 and I happen to be off work for the day.  Its kind of a windy, rainy and biting cold kind of day so being home puttering around and listening to holiday music is just plain wonderful.  So I treated myself to a birthday lunch at the local oriental buffet, finished decorating my house inside for the holidays and put a new strap on my Patriot Rev War cartridge box.



New Cartridge Box Strap


Cartridge Box Strap Installed

  The cartridge box strap was originally cloth with leather ends and the narrow attachment pieces had gotten chewed up a bit by some small critter (which I hope the cats sent on to another life.)  So I dyed some russet leather black for new attachment straps and as long as the strap was apart anyway replaced the cloth shoulder strap piece with a buff leather piece.  The strap is not only repaired it fits better.


Holiday Lights near Ruckersville

After dark I took a nice slow drive around my neighborhood and  those close by to check out the Christmas lights.  The rain meant the lights were reflecting off the road so things were quite bright. 


A Serious Light Display


This Display Makes the Papers Annually

The display that’s visible from US29 was up and running this year.  Unfortunately there’s no way for me to get far enough away from the yard to get a good picture of the whole kahuna. 


Just a Nice Display


Oh Look – Real Christmas Trees

Back home in Michigan the normal Christmas decorations were lights on a pine tree in the yard.  There aren’t as many pines in yards here, so finding someone with not one but two lighted pines was a real treat for me.


An All-White Light Display

I’m not personally a big fan of the all white lights thing but this home has done a very nice job of it.

Once upon a time I had hoped to retire the month after I turned 62 but that’s not how the cards have been dealt.  But I’m in good health, have great job security, and should be able to retire at 66 with a decent income.  Since retiring at all once seemed a distant dream I’ll take what I can get and be glad.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holidays & Hobbits

The LOTR came out during my daughter’s college years.  I waited each December until she was home from school so we could go see the LOTR.   It was wonderful and my enjoyment of those 3 movies will always be overlaid with seeing them with my daughter.  I’m a serious Tolkien fan but my daughter isn’t so for her the movies where just that – movies with an integrity of their own.  She insisted I not tell her anything in advance, which I mostly but not totally managed. 

So it was with great joy that we planned to see the Hobbit (part 1) together.  I re-read the book just to refresh my memory.  She has never read the book as far as I know, so I again had to promise not to tell the story in advance.  And yes, there are events in the movie from outside The Hobbit, but overall I found it closer to Tolkien’s texts than the LOTR.  Yes it’s a slam bang action adventure movie, but then so is The Hobbit.  And most of the “extra stuff” served to tie the movie to the LOTR for those who hadn’t read every work Tolkien wrote about Middle Earth.  I was entertained.  It was fun, it was action packed, and I will buy the DVD when it comes out.  I’ve already bought the sound track.  As for those of you who are not thrilled by the movie, well to each his own.

The weekend we went to The Hobbit was also the weekend we celebrated my birthday and our Christmas.  Da Urchin found me a grand sparkly green hummingbird ornament and 2 sparkly red mistletoe ornaments.  Then she let me pick out 2 books at McKay's for my birthday. 


I made her this count thread cross stitch ornament.  This is before I put the ornament in its frame.  Its 2.25x2.25 inches square.  I’ve never done this type of embroidery before and it took me quite awhile to get any rhythm to my stitches.  But it came out nicely and I enjoyed making it.  The apples in the tree are my own addition to the pattern. 

We also had a very nice dinner near the movie theatre and watched “Brave” together the next day.

On the way to Manassas for all this celebrating nature graced us with one of its wondrous moments.  About 15 miles from Da Urchin’s Place there were 2 eagles engaged in a courting flight.  I’ve seen this on National Geographic but its not at all the same as seeing it right before your very own eyes.  May they have many many healthy offspring. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy Happy Turkey-Bird Day

Its over the river & through the woods

To Da Urchin’s house I go

The mule knows the day to carry me away

Through the hills I love & know

Its over the river & through the woods

My heart is light & gay

Though my body is tired my mind is wired

It going to be a great T-bird Day.

One of the not so great things about my current job is its 365 day 24-7 nature.  Its been years since Da Urchin and I have been able to do a T-bird Day together.  Either I’m working or she’s else ware – else ware like college, or Japan, or some other out of state location.  So this year was a special treat – her 1st Thanksgiving in her own home & I was off work & able to share it with her.  WooHoo!


Behold the richly laden table!  With roast duck as the entrĂ©e with fresh baked bread, cranberry relish, wild rice, stuffing, mashed potatoes & gravy.  There was even some kind of fancy sauce for the duck.  (OK, so we forgot to cook the veggies.)  It was a spread to be sure and Da Urchin, JR & I was all stuffed by the time we finished eating. 

I had arrived Wednesday after getting up at 11am for an ophthalmologist appointment & then driving to Da Urchin’s place.  Once there I napped until Da Urchin was home from work whereupon a light dinner was had by all.  I was still kinda tired but some fresh coffee set everything right.  Da Urchin, ever thoughtful, had gotten me some Hazelnut Coffee which was wonderful. 

Thursday was spent playing with the cats, cooking food and of course feasting on the feast.  The duck was particularly good.  I headed home early in the evening as I was scheduled to work Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights.  I do need to sleep at home the night before I go into work so I can go in well rested.

Friday night was rough – I had woken up with a post nasal drip and things didn’t improve as the night went on.  Saturday I got up at 3pm with a fever of 102, a body that felt like it had been used as a tackling dummy, and a smashing headache.  It had happened – I was sick.  Sick for the 1st time since June of 2005.  Sunday I was no better, not that better was expected.  I finally dragged myself to the doctor to find I had bronchitis and bronchiolar pneumonia.  Wonderbar.  Antibiotics here I come.  Plus plenty of fluids and long soaks in very hot bathwater.

In retrospect, I hadn’t been at full capacity since the OVPR.  I tired easily, chilled easily and had needed more sleep than usual all month.  Well I’m on the mend but behind on my holiday preparations and present making.  Such is Life with its ups and downs.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Friday afternoon & Saturday morning was errand time with all kinds of necessary but boring tasks accomplished.  OK, the farrier appointment wasn’t boring & it went very well, but the rest of the tasks were just plain boring.  Saturday was a beautiful day, so I treated myself to a ride to my favorite Greene County places after lunch. 


Visitors at the Beaver Pond

The Great Blue Herons and Common Egret seem to have gone on to warmer climes but there are plenty of hawks & Canada geese who have arrived to take their place. 


Beaver Pond inflow mid November

The Beaver Pond has a very good water level for this time of year & is looking very healthy.


Greene County Pasture

Of course the world at large has wrapped itself in the browns & grays of winter.  Sandy brought snow to the higher elevations of the Blue Ridge & Shenandoah Park but its all gone now.


Afternoon North Fork Rivanna River

Don’t let the sunshine fool you, its sharply chill here and a bit too cold for fishing.

But its not too cold for projects.  I fixed the broken kitchen door threshold & replaced the torn weather stripping , which of course took the 3 trips to Lowe’s for parts.  No matter how carefully I plan all home repairs require 3 trips to Lowe’s or a hardware store to accomplish.  Various leather gear also got cleaned.


Detail of Medallion Straps

The leather at the top of my medallion display strap also got replaced (it got damaged last year) & I finished it up.  The beaver is a fund raising medallion from Fort St. Joseph at Niles Michigan near my hometown.  The fleur de lys is my paternal family heritage & the 3 pieces of trade silver were a gift.  I also made a 2nd strap to start using with next year’s events.  The “2” is from my 2nd Rhode Island Volunteer Civil War unit days. 


New & Old Medallion Straps

The straps are 48 inches long, this keeps them pleasantly above any mud when they’re hung from the ridge pole of the dining fly.  It took 16 years to fill the 1st strap - 16 years of shining times, good food, wonderful music & great friends.  Plus some questionable weather.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Quiet of Winter


North Fork of the Rivanna River

The calendar says its still fall but the Quiet of Winter has arrived here in Greene County.  The bats have all moved on presumably to their hibernation roosts.  The evenings are silent but for the breezes, the chorus of song birds has been reduced to a few late afternoon soloists.  Twilight comes early and brings a stilling of the gentle daytime winds.  The crackle of leaves under my feet as I take my evening walks is loud now.  Sound carries far in the still cold air and the dogs bark or a car door slam I hear probably isn’t even from my neighborhood.  It is a wonderful season for walks.


Advance Mill Pond in late afternoon

I’ve been busy around the house mostly, working on cleaning up the yard before the truly cold weather sets in.  Most Virginia winters are big on cold wind driven rain, hardy the thing for outdoor work.  So while the sun shines I’ll be trimming bushes, cutting up downed wood and the like.  Plus taking short drives around the county to my favorite spots for pictures. 

bbf (2)

Completed French Belly Box

Winter is also the time for in-house projects and historic apparel construction and repair.  So in the last2 days I sorted through 6 boxes of stuff, did routine cleaning, punched the closure hole in the French belly box I assembled earlier this year, cleaned various pieces of historic leather gear, and got several sewing repairs made on my clothes.  Plus read some as well as  snuggled and napped some with my cats Paws-in-Trouble and Pippen.  Winter is a grand season for napping with cats.


Paws-in-Trouble & Pippen

Now mind you, I love the Holiday Season – I love the lights, the live music concerts, the special church services and the getting together with friends and family.  But I also cherish the Quiet of Winter, the way the natural world has a resting that calls for a resting in one’s soul.  Welcome to my home Winter.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Winter Settles In

Last year I decided that this winter was going to be a season of quiet.  I can’t stop the crazy holiday absurdity but I don’t need to buy into it either.  So far things are quiet.  The election idiocy is over, 400 billion was spent so the government on Wednesday could look just like the government on Monday.  Neither party seems concerned or even aware of rural & small town America, so its hard for me to warm up to either of them.  I voted.  So did a large percentage of my very rural county.  Just a reminder to the Washington folks, you may ignore us but we’re very much not ignoring you.


November Yard

The weather here has held, so I’ve been getting outdoor tasks done.  The lawnmower has been put into storage with 2 of my project motorcycles to follow soon.  I’ve started to remove the dead pokeberry bushes (they’re annuals) and I’m waiting for the forsythia to loose their leaves so I can trim them.  The storm windows are all up.  Its rained here some lately, on those days I’ve worked on the large front bedroom.  I’ve got a piece of furniture to take to a new home and some more sorting to do, but I should have it cleaned out and ready to use as a spare bedroom by Christmas.  I also finished a belt for myself and dyed fabric for a skirt and a knapsack. (Not the same fabric, just the same dye.)


My New Belt

I also spent last weekend at the Urchin’s – she took me to Chateau O’Brian for Irish stew and live Irish music.   The stew was excellent, the band above average with an excellent traditional fiddler and the view of the Blue Ridge spectacular. 

Quiet times are usually the best times.  Here’s a wish for more quiet time for all.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bad Weather = Good Project Time

Well the cut short OVPR Rendezvous was a disappointment, but it did give me an extra 2 days to work on projects.  So Saturday I unloaded the mule, cleaned everything, sorted and repacked my gear, and then moved onto getting ready for Sandy.  I reinstalled the storm windows on the house, moved the motorcycle trailers onto the gravel by the kitchen door, moved the utility trailers onto the side yard away from the trees, and generally went around and secured anything loose so it wouldn’t blow around.  That evening I cleaned house and painted a King’s Broad Arrow and “GR” on one of my haversacks.

1780 British

British Rev War Haversack

Sunday was cloudy but there was almost no wind and no rain so I headed off to groom and otherwise spend time with the horses Irish and Louise.  Both horses are growing a nice winter coat and were very frisky in the cool weather. 



Sunday evening I finished putting Sno-Seal on my camp shoes and then cut out 2 aprons and put 1 of them together on Monday and the other on Tuesday.  I also got a belt made, to be put on my trade blanket next season, and started on another belt for myself. 


Trade Blanket Belt                            Buckle Stitching Detail

The Trade Blanket Belt is 50 inches long and 1.5 inches wide.  It adjusts from 40 to 46 inches but could have holes added for a smaller waist.

I’ve decided that by spring I want to have 4 full sets of Euro-American attire put together.  I’ve now got 4 aprons, 2 bodices, 1 set of stays, 2 shifts and 2 skirts.  I’ve already got the material for 2 more skirts and another bodice but I’ll need to get material for more shifts.  I’m about to be a sewing fool.  The Mad Stitcher strikes!  Truly Hansoon Lives! 

Oh, as for Sandy – it rained here steadily from Sunday night until sometime early Tuesday morning.  It was a bit windy, with a few nasty gusts but that’s all.  No snow, no power outage, no downed limbs.  Deo Gratias.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

OVPR Fall Rendezvous–October 25 to 28

Oh boy, oh boy, its RENDEZVOUS!  I got all packed up last Sunday, everything but the sharp edged things and the food was in my mule Methuselah.  I got home Wednesday morning, slept for 4 hours, put the rest of my kit in the mule, saw to the cats’ needs and I was off!  There was a bit of traffic around Richmond but I made it to camp in 4 and a quarter hours.  Unfortunately I didn’t make it to camp in time to set up before dark but I found a good spot and had the mule parked and set up inside for sleeping. 


Henry & Deborah

So Wednesday evening I cruised around camp and got in some good old fashioned socializing time.  In particular I spent some time with Missy Clark and then had a great catch up on all the news chat with Henry and Deborah.


Morning at the Registration Hut

Bright and early the next morning I unloaded the mule, drove it out to the parking pasture and then registered for the Vous on my way back into camp.  By 11AM I had everything set up and had changed into my event attire. 


My Fall OVPR Camp

The weather was delightfully warm and sunny, an excellent time to stroll around camp and finish my Hello How Are Yous.  It took me awhile to make it all the way around camp but who cares, its Rendezvous!


Jay with his Double-barreled Shotgun

I had a nice but short chat with Jay who was heading out to shoot in the smoothbore match.


Sleeping Buck Skinner

I let sleeping ‘skinners lie and returned later to chat with this fine fellow.  He sure looked cozy though.


Backroad Misfits

I was checking for good blanket trades as I wandered around but most folks didn’t have their trade blankets out yet.  These folks had a blanket out but they didn’t have anything I wanted.  They do have a really nice wood sign for their camp


Here’s another camp with a nice handmade wood sign for their lodge.  I like how their medallion board hangs from lodge sign.


Friday was just as nice as Thursday – a bit cooler and cloudier but still a fine day to sit, enjoy the great outdoors and socialize.


Preacher Ken & Son

The Preacher Ken & his son played some mighty fine music of an evening at Dulcimer Dave and Mary’s lodge.  No they’re not arguing, just looking pensive on purpose for the camera. 


Late Breakfast or Early Lunch?  Who cares?  The weather was fine for bacon and eggs in the sun.


Lou at Feather’s Lodge

Feather (back left) has traded his wedge for a low sided wall tent.  That’s Lou in the back right, 80 years young.  Feather was still getting set up when I came by, his fire pit wasn’t even dug yet.


Wandering John (left) & Hootie Owl (right)

As Friday afternoon began folks were pulling into camp and the area was filling up nicely.  Wandering John had come from the Southeastern and his camp was squared away when Hootie and another friend sat down to chat.


Chantel & Youngest Son

Chantel was seen in camp fixing a cloth stuffed toy escorted by her ever valiant younger son.


The Young Dragon Lord

Said son was taking his dragon out for a walk.  He is an awesome kid, as is his older brother.


The Cloth Merchant’s Marquee

For folks that wanted to stock up on supplies for a winter of attire making the Really Nice Lady Who Sells Cloth Whose Name I Don’t Remember was there.  She had just gotten this marquee and was really enjoying the way it let her set out her wares.  I got apron tie webbing from her and plan to make my cloth for attire purchases next spring when I should have the funds to do so.


The Button Lady

The Button Lady was there too, with a nice selection of flat and shanked civilian buttons to finish off anything from a sailor’s jacket to a ladies gown. 


Missy Clark of Barkertown Sutler

Of course there were traders for folks who are not of the sewing kind.  Both Seams Colonial and Barkertown Sutler were there to cater to folks who want ready made or made to order clothing. 


Tom of The Mountain Forge

Tom was all set up for folks who needed things other than clothing – shooting bags, swords, ironware and the like.  Plus a grand selection of hard candy. 

Yes that’s a cell phone he’s talking on.  Because alas the OVPR was cut short – Hurricane Sandy was heading our way.  Rain is one thing but high winds and canvas tents are not a good mix.  The Vous was scheduled to run until Sunday noon but was shortened to Saturday noon with everyone off site by nightfall.  Tom’s calling for his son to bring the trailer in so he can pack up.  So I packed my camp up Friday afternoon with the intention of staying until later that night and then driving home.  It started to rain as I was re-parking the mule, so I changed my plans and just headed home.  It did feel really really strange to be home from OVPR before 10PM on a Friday, but there were things I needed to ready here if Sandy was coming to visit. 


The new fence around the OVPR Memorial

So it was sad to be leaving early but good that everyone got a chance to take dry canvas home and get themselves ready for whatever Sandy was going to throw at us. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekends are for Working

My current employment involves working every other weekend.  This has a very negative effect on my ability to spend time with friends and family.  Basically I have to squeeze my entire social life into 2 weekends a month and whatever vacation time I can arrange.  This is not one of my job’s better sides.  So I am very jealous of my weekend social time and plan it carefully for maximum enjoyment.

So it was really odd for me to plan a weekend of working on projects.  But that’s exactly what I did.  I cleaned, sanded, primed and painted 3 bedroom windows.  I cleaned up the yard.  I sorted through some boxes of stuff.  I washed laundry, dishes and the floors.  The bathroom and bedroom got cleaned.   I evicted Lady Bugs and Stick Bugs from the window/storm window spaces.  I was a little housework cyclone.

1812 British a

British Canadian War of 1812 Haversack

And in the evenings I worked on history hobby gear.  I added the “GR” to the Kings Broad Arrow on my 1812 British Canadian haversack which completed that project.  I saddle soaped , Neatsfoot oiled and then greased all 3 pairs of my attire moccasins. 

Sheath 2

Throwing Knife in its New Sheath

I finished the throwing knife sheath I started last work break.  I now know why leather workers in the age of hand sewn everything suffered from arthritis and other painful ailments of the hands and wrists.  But the sheath is done.  I even had time to practice my hawk & knife throwing each day. 

And just as I was about to start packing the mule Methusela for OVPR I got a text from my Urchin.  The couch and lounge chair she needed to move to her house wouldn’t fit into JR’s vehicle.  So several texts later I was on my way to Da Urchin’s by way of Leesburg.  The traffic near Gainsville/Haymarket was bumper to bumper returnees from a day of Fall Color drives, but I got to Amber & Dan’s place and the couch & lounge chair got loaded into my mule.  An hour later I was at Da Urchin’s where I hopped out of my van and into her car so we could meet D&D for dinner at the Amphoria.  A glorious birthday dinner was had (Happy Birthday Dolores) and then it was back to Da Urchin’s, unload the couch and chair, walk the dogs, hug Da Urchin and scurry back home.

The Universe was watching out for me and I got my weekend social time after all.  OVPR Rendezvous packing is next.  WooHoo!

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