Friday, November 9, 2012

Winter Settles In

Last year I decided that this winter was going to be a season of quiet.  I can’t stop the crazy holiday absurdity but I don’t need to buy into it either.  So far things are quiet.  The election idiocy is over, 400 billion was spent so the government on Wednesday could look just like the government on Monday.  Neither party seems concerned or even aware of rural & small town America, so its hard for me to warm up to either of them.  I voted.  So did a large percentage of my very rural county.  Just a reminder to the Washington folks, you may ignore us but we’re very much not ignoring you.


November Yard

The weather here has held, so I’ve been getting outdoor tasks done.  The lawnmower has been put into storage with 2 of my project motorcycles to follow soon.  I’ve started to remove the dead pokeberry bushes (they’re annuals) and I’m waiting for the forsythia to loose their leaves so I can trim them.  The storm windows are all up.  Its rained here some lately, on those days I’ve worked on the large front bedroom.  I’ve got a piece of furniture to take to a new home and some more sorting to do, but I should have it cleaned out and ready to use as a spare bedroom by Christmas.  I also finished a belt for myself and dyed fabric for a skirt and a knapsack. (Not the same fabric, just the same dye.)


My New Belt

I also spent last weekend at the Urchin’s – she took me to Chateau O’Brian for Irish stew and live Irish music.   The stew was excellent, the band above average with an excellent traditional fiddler and the view of the Blue Ridge spectacular. 

Quiet times are usually the best times.  Here’s a wish for more quiet time for all.

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