Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Quiet of Winter


North Fork of the Rivanna River

The calendar says its still fall but the Quiet of Winter has arrived here in Greene County.  The bats have all moved on presumably to their hibernation roosts.  The evenings are silent but for the breezes, the chorus of song birds has been reduced to a few late afternoon soloists.  Twilight comes early and brings a stilling of the gentle daytime winds.  The crackle of leaves under my feet as I take my evening walks is loud now.  Sound carries far in the still cold air and the dogs bark or a car door slam I hear probably isn’t even from my neighborhood.  It is a wonderful season for walks.


Advance Mill Pond in late afternoon

I’ve been busy around the house mostly, working on cleaning up the yard before the truly cold weather sets in.  Most Virginia winters are big on cold wind driven rain, hardy the thing for outdoor work.  So while the sun shines I’ll be trimming bushes, cutting up downed wood and the like.  Plus taking short drives around the county to my favorite spots for pictures. 

bbf (2)

Completed French Belly Box

Winter is also the time for in-house projects and historic apparel construction and repair.  So in the last2 days I sorted through 6 boxes of stuff, did routine cleaning, punched the closure hole in the French belly box I assembled earlier this year, cleaned various pieces of historic leather gear, and got several sewing repairs made on my clothes.  Plus read some as well as  snuggled and napped some with my cats Paws-in-Trouble and Pippen.  Winter is a grand season for napping with cats.


Paws-in-Trouble & Pippen

Now mind you, I love the Holiday Season – I love the lights, the live music concerts, the special church services and the getting together with friends and family.  But I also cherish the Quiet of Winter, the way the natural world has a resting that calls for a resting in one’s soul.  Welcome to my home Winter.

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