Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fall Comes to Rucker's Tavern

Its Official - Its Fall

There have been no fire flies rising the last 3 nights & there are no amphibians adding their voice to the night chorus. Oh the crickets & cicadia are going all out but the night birds are silent & the day birds only sound out occasionally. I greeted Fall with a small campfire in my yard's fire ring & then played & sang until full dark.

Mushrooms have popped up under the white pines too. I expect the early migratory birds to appear in about 2 weeks. Ten years ago at this time Urchin was starting her senior year at Chatham Hall. It was a wonderous year that went by way too fast.

This has been a good year for wild things in my yard. I had 6 different box turtles show up, this one was the largest & most aggressive. I hope they paired up & there are little boxes in the woods.
It was also a great year for the bunnies. I spent many an evening watching them nibble this & that in my yard. This bold fellow can hopping to within 6 feet of me & then waited around while I went inside & fetched my camera.

N.B. I have caught up on my summer blogs, for pics of my 'Vous camp check the Shenandoah Long Rifle post for May.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another Summer Nearly Gone

Its still officially summer here. There are still fire flies rising each evening in my yard but they're few in number. The little yellow orange wildflowers that bloom in August along my woods line are in full bloom right now. The hummingbirds love them and watching the hummers is a pleasant way to spend a late afternoon. Yet those same blossoms are yet another sign that summer is on its way out. They are the last fresh growth of the summer. Once they are gone the understory of my woods will begin to die back, for fall like spring moves from the ground up. Of course school has started but that's because the powers-that-be no longer wait for Labor Day to start classes. Pity really, to not have Memorial Day to Labor Day as summer. Its a waste of 2 perfectly good 3 day weekends to end school in June & start it in mid-August. So much for tradition and a good long lazy hazy summer.

The fire circle behind my house - my favorite twilight place to sit.

I haven't accomplished much of what I wanted to accomplish about my yard & house this summer. Mostly that's because I haven't been able to arrange much in the way of time off from work. Its really frustrating to not be accomplishing any exterior painting even though I know the lack of vacation is the primary reason why painting has not proceeded. Grr. I do have some time coming in early September, hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can finish the house trim. I haven't been able to go camp at the IWLL much this summer either. Again the reason is the leave issue. I suppose I'll just have to make do - its not like I'm fussy about when I'm off and I can't control the leave schedule.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


WingNut is back inside. Happy dance. Its @#$%^&* hot & getting any cleaning or projects done is not going well at all. Bummer. I miss Michigan summers ! Hugs to all my friends. School is starting here, UVA opens this weekend. I get restless every fall when the academic year begins, it seems I should be doing things, moving forward, but instead I feel like I'm stuck in park. Maybe when it cools down some I can get stuff accomplished.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Fooey !

OK, so I drove to Staunton Saturday last and spent a wonderful evening with my friends Nick & Katherine. I intended to attend Liturgy Sunday but the weather decided otherwise. Sunday morning I woke up with a serious headache. I went out & got some grapefruit juice, drank it down & half an hour later it came back up. Wonderful, I'm down with the heat. Saturday was hot but I'd made sure I drank plenty of juice & water. It wasn't enough. Urchin thinks it might be in part due to my night shift job - I'm up when its cool & sleeping in an AC room during the day. This inhibites my adjustment to the heat of summer. Well whatever it was it was not a fun way to spend the day. Plus Paws-in-Trouble let himself, Skiddy & WingNut out again. Skiddy was under my truck & came when called. WingNut was in the backyard catching mice & ran into the woods when called. GRR.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Very Very Laid Back Affair

Many moons before I was a parent I went to an annual motorcycle rally hosted by the Virginia Motorcyclist Association. They hosted the last of their rallies in 1992. Two years later the No Name Motorcycle Club - of which yours truly is a charter member - decided the rally was too much fun to let slip away and started A Laid Back Affair. Its still going strong with 50-75 riders gathering each August in Buena Vista's Glen Maury Campground.

The Urchin couldn't come this year so I borrowed her Ninja 250 for the weekend, it was decidedly a very different affair from my usual ride !

It wasn't the only Ninja 250 there, this one was ridden by Micky's daughter - its a year newer than Urchin's bike and has a slightly different frame and bodywork. Same engine & trans.

This is a Can-Am Spyder, a backwards trike. Very stable, it even has a trunk up front like an old VW Beetle.

This is JP's airhead BMW. Only 3 Airheads were ridden to the rally this year.

The dominant bike brand this year was - HARLEY ! There were more of then than any other type or brand of bike. The BMW riders were in shock. They were also quick to point out this one was getting worked on.

This is a Adventure Touring machine, there were 2 of those.

Three sidecar rigs came, a BMW, a Harley and a Japanese cruiser.

Mickey's grandson came, he's on his first bike. He did just fine on the paved camp roads but struggled some with the gravel camp roads.

Most the folks who come to the ALBA are campers, this tent belongs to one of the Adventure Tour riders.

Of course some folks like a bit more comfort when they camp. This toyhauler belongs to ArmyBret, his wife and their teenage son. It even has an outside shower. The diesel truck to pull it is pretty awesome too.

ArmyBret brought a propane fired fire too - I'm divided on whether I like the idea or not. The lack of smoke was nice, so was not needing anyone to babysit the fire until it was safely out.

Of course the Red Cup Society was out in force. Mind you, no one checks on the exact contents of your Red Cup, so if yours is like mine & has nothing but soda or fruit juice in it, who's to know ? A Red Cup is a Red Cup !

Actually, once the annual Affair is over its a kinda sad time for me. Its the last event of my summer (when Kat was in school we had to start shopping for fall clothes & school supplies once we got home from the affair) & while I look forward to it for months its hard once its over. I've known some of the NNMC folks since I was 28 & I wish I got to ride with them more than once a year. We've had some really really good times over the years. Hugs to all the NNMC folks, the Airheads, the Oilheads, the HD riders, & everyone else too. You all have been good friends.

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