Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another Summer Nearly Gone

Its still officially summer here. There are still fire flies rising each evening in my yard but they're few in number. The little yellow orange wildflowers that bloom in August along my woods line are in full bloom right now. The hummingbirds love them and watching the hummers is a pleasant way to spend a late afternoon. Yet those same blossoms are yet another sign that summer is on its way out. They are the last fresh growth of the summer. Once they are gone the understory of my woods will begin to die back, for fall like spring moves from the ground up. Of course school has started but that's because the powers-that-be no longer wait for Labor Day to start classes. Pity really, to not have Memorial Day to Labor Day as summer. Its a waste of 2 perfectly good 3 day weekends to end school in June & start it in mid-August. So much for tradition and a good long lazy hazy summer.

The fire circle behind my house - my favorite twilight place to sit.

I haven't accomplished much of what I wanted to accomplish about my yard & house this summer. Mostly that's because I haven't been able to arrange much in the way of time off from work. Its really frustrating to not be accomplishing any exterior painting even though I know the lack of vacation is the primary reason why painting has not proceeded. Grr. I do have some time coming in early September, hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can finish the house trim. I haven't been able to go camp at the IWLL much this summer either. Again the reason is the leave issue. I suppose I'll just have to make do - its not like I'm fussy about when I'm off and I can't control the leave schedule.

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