Its Official - Its Fall
There have been no fire flies rising the last 3 nights & there are no amphibians adding their voice to the night chorus. Oh the crickets & cicadia are going all out but the night birds are silent & the day birds only sound out occasionally. I greeted Fall with a small campfire in my yard's fire ring & then played & sang until full dark.

Mushrooms have popped up under the white pines too. I expect the early migratory birds to appear in about 2 weeks. Ten years ago at this time Urchin was starting her senior year at Chatham Hall. It was a wonderous year that went by way too fast.

This has been a good year for wild things in my yard. I had 6 different box turtles show up, this one was the largest & most aggressive. I hope they paired up & there are little boxes in the woods.

It was also a great year for the bunnies. I spent many an evening watching them nibble this & that in my yard. This bold fellow can hopping to within 6 feet of me & then waited around while I went inside & fetched my camera.
N.B. I have caught up on my summer blogs, for pics of my 'Vous camp check the Shenandoah Long Rifle post for May.
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