Thursday, September 3, 2009

Who Da Thought

An Early Fall Female Mantis

A little while ago I decided I wanted a butter dish to put a stick of butter in. So butter could be on my table during dinner without a cat tongue checking to see if it really was butter. I looked for a butter dish at my local Food Lion, I looked at my local Dollar General, I even looked at Harris Teeter but no butter dish could I find. I finally found what I wanted at Target - they had one and only one Anchor clear glass butter dish. It was made in the US of A and was very modestly priced. Has the use of butter dishes become old hat ? Do they only sell them with non-electric Melita coffee makers, the kind you pour hot water into the cone ? Butter dishes used to be like salt & pepper shakers, they were everywhere.

Anyway, shortly after the Great Butter Dish Hunt I realized I needed a new writing pad. I love to write letters. Fairly long letters. With a fountain pen. This requires paper. Preferably unlined paper. With a surface that will take fountain pen ink without bleeding. Airmail paper, parchment paper or smooth writing pad paper all work very well for this. So I was at the local Wally World buying pet food and cruised over to the school and office supply section for a pad of writing paper. Except the Wally World didn't have any writing paper. They had 9 different kinds of printer paper, they had graft paper, they had legal pads, they had college & wide ruled notebook paper, they had drawing paper, they had construction paper, they even had carbon paper. But no writing paper. They didn't have any butter dishes or Melita coffee pots either. I found the writing paper I needed at the local Dollar General. I guess folks who shop at DG stores still write letters. Now about that Melita coffee pot . . . . .

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