My friend Gypsy Jane posts pictures of "The Yard" where her RV is parked/camped on her blog. Well here is my yard with the fire ring, hawk target wood pile and the green chair I liberated from someone else's trash. The canvas Civil War dog tent is set up so I could adjust the ropes. I had just finished the rear triangle button on end piece and was fine tuning the setup. About an hour after I took the picture I had my dinner out here. There were 2 or 3 hummingbirds about, several wrens, a blue jay and plenty of bumblebees. The hummers & bumbles were after the little yellow-orange flowers. The wrens have nests in the brush piles and the jays are looking for their next meal.

Here's a photo of the flowers which so interest the local butterflies, bumblebees & hummers. Each flower is an inch to an inch & a half in size. The green part of the plant is anywhere from 2 ft. to 6 ft. tall, very spindly and a light pale green. I would love to know what they are. I've seem them elseware, they like damp ground but seem to do equally well in full sun or open shade.
That would be jewelweed. It's supposed to be good for poison ivy, but it didn't help mine when I tried it.
Talk to me about the tent please. How does one stay dry? Is there a way to stay off of the ground? Does a cot of some sort fit in there?
To Zeus: The tent is 6 ft. long and about 4.5 ft. wide. There's a triangle shaped end piece that buttons in on the end you can't see. I used my rubber gum poncho over the open end you can see and a rubber gun blanket under me to stay passably dry when it rained. When Kat & I were Civil War reenacting regularly we also used a low to the ground Byer cot but that's hardly historically accurate.
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