Friday afternoon & Saturday morning was errand time with all kinds of necessary but boring tasks accomplished. OK, the farrier appointment wasn’t boring & it went very well, but the rest of the tasks were just plain boring. Saturday was a beautiful day, so I treated myself to a ride to my favorite Greene County places after lunch.
Visitors at the Beaver Pond
The Great Blue Herons and Common Egret seem to have gone on to warmer climes but there are plenty of hawks & Canada geese who have arrived to take their place.
Beaver Pond inflow mid November
The Beaver Pond has a very good water level for this time of year & is looking very healthy.
Greene County Pasture
Of course the world at large has wrapped itself in the browns & grays of winter. Sandy brought snow to the higher elevations of the Blue Ridge & Shenandoah Park but its all gone now.
Afternoon North Fork Rivanna River
Don’t let the sunshine fool you, its sharply chill here and a bit too cold for fishing.
But its not too cold for projects. I fixed the broken kitchen door threshold & replaced the torn weather stripping , which of course took the 3 trips to Lowe’s for parts. No matter how carefully I plan all home repairs require 3 trips to Lowe’s or a hardware store to accomplish. Various leather gear also got cleaned.
Detail of Medallion Straps
The leather at the top of my medallion display strap also got replaced (it got damaged last year) & I finished it up. The beaver is a fund raising medallion from Fort St. Joseph at Niles Michigan near my hometown. The fleur de lys is my paternal family heritage & the 3 pieces of trade silver were a gift. I also made a 2nd strap to start using with next year’s events. The “2” is from my 2nd Rhode Island Volunteer Civil War unit days.
New & Old Medallion Straps
The straps are 48 inches long, this keeps them pleasantly above any mud when they’re hung from the ridge pole of the dining fly. It took 16 years to fill the 1st strap - 16 years of shining times, good food, wonderful music & great friends. Plus some questionable weather.
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