Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekends are for Working

My current employment involves working every other weekend.  This has a very negative effect on my ability to spend time with friends and family.  Basically I have to squeeze my entire social life into 2 weekends a month and whatever vacation time I can arrange.  This is not one of my job’s better sides.  So I am very jealous of my weekend social time and plan it carefully for maximum enjoyment.

So it was really odd for me to plan a weekend of working on projects.  But that’s exactly what I did.  I cleaned, sanded, primed and painted 3 bedroom windows.  I cleaned up the yard.  I sorted through some boxes of stuff.  I washed laundry, dishes and the floors.  The bathroom and bedroom got cleaned.   I evicted Lady Bugs and Stick Bugs from the window/storm window spaces.  I was a little housework cyclone.

1812 British a

British Canadian War of 1812 Haversack

And in the evenings I worked on history hobby gear.  I added the “GR” to the Kings Broad Arrow on my 1812 British Canadian haversack which completed that project.  I saddle soaped , Neatsfoot oiled and then greased all 3 pairs of my attire moccasins. 

Sheath 2

Throwing Knife in its New Sheath

I finished the throwing knife sheath I started last work break.  I now know why leather workers in the age of hand sewn everything suffered from arthritis and other painful ailments of the hands and wrists.  But the sheath is done.  I even had time to practice my hawk & knife throwing each day. 

And just as I was about to start packing the mule Methusela for OVPR I got a text from my Urchin.  The couch and lounge chair she needed to move to her house wouldn’t fit into JR’s vehicle.  So several texts later I was on my way to Da Urchin’s by way of Leesburg.  The traffic near Gainsville/Haymarket was bumper to bumper returnees from a day of Fall Color drives, but I got to Amber & Dan’s place and the couch & lounge chair got loaded into my mule.  An hour later I was at Da Urchin’s where I hopped out of my van and into her car so we could meet D&D for dinner at the Amphoria.  A glorious birthday dinner was had (Happy Birthday Dolores) and then it was back to Da Urchin’s, unload the couch and chair, walk the dogs, hug Da Urchin and scurry back home.

The Universe was watching out for me and I got my weekend social time after all.  OVPR Rendezvous packing is next.  WooHoo!

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