Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Home Quiet Time


Fall in all its splendor has arrived at my home.  I’m usually energized by the cooler weather and get all kinds of things accomplished around the house in September and October.  But not so much this last couple of days.  I woke up Monday with a mild headache and generally muscle sore all over with nothing in particular to account for it.  So I got things done but at a slower pace than usual and with several naps thrown in. 


Illegal Alien Stink Bugs

I’ve got a bit more trim painting to do on the windows but discovered I also had squatter evicting to do on two windows.  I removed all the storm windows and chased the bugs out with a screwdriver blade but they just kept coming back.


More Illegal Alien Stinkbugs

By evening and cooler weather they decided to seek somewhere else to winter over.  So I got the storm windows removed, the windows washed, the window frames washed and the bugs have gone away.  I guess the painting will have to wait until this weekend. 

Drop Cloth Apron

Painters Drop Cloth  Apron

The muscle soreness kept me from finishing my throwing knife sheath since working on leather with already sore hands seemed hardly a way to enjoy my day off.  So I made up a 2nd apron for my 18th century attire.  I had bought a 12x9 painters drop cloth last year to use as a floor in my 9x9 tent.  (The drop cloth goes over a 9x9 plastic tarp.)  Earlier this summer I cut the 12x9 drop cloth down to 9x9 which gave me a 3x3 and a 3x6 piece of tightly woven course cotton for projects.  The 3x3 piece has been hemmed and is ready for its apron ties.  I hope to get good cotton webbing at the OVPR Vous to finish it off.   The spots on the cloth are from its days as a tent floor – just a Hat Man’s Wife using what she can get her hands on!  I also cleaned up a sheet iron frying pan, saddle soaped & greased all my Vous moccasins and painted a Kings Broad arrow on my British War of 1812 haversack.  (The haversack still needs a “GR”.)  Plus hemmed a pair of work pants for good measure.

It was warm enough to sew the apron and hem the pants outside while sitting in the sun and enjoying the glories of fall.  I love fall.  Have I mentioned that before?  Well I do.  It truly is my favorite season.

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