Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hippo Birdie to Ewe Urchin

Twenty eight years ago at about 9:15 AM my Urchin was born.  Its been a good 28 years and I’m proud of the woman my little girl has become.


Urchin with Munchkin the Turbo Kittah

Urchin drove to my place in the wee hours of the morn & we spent her birthday together.  Around 7:30 AM we took her car into C’ville & dropped it off to get 4 new tires.  While that was happening we had a Birthday Breakfast at IHOP, then cruised back to my place once her car was finished.  It was much too hot a day to really do anything, so we just hung out at my place, chatted about this & that – not at all a bad way to spend the day. 

Happy Birthday Urchin. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stray Thoughts

Wednesday it was 103 here at high noon, today it was 100.  I didn’t even consider going paddling, painting house trim, mowing the yard, working on N&K’s cabinet doors or any other similar tasks.  I did do my dishes, wash clothes which I spread out on my lawn to dry rather than use the dryer, brushed out Sophia, gave Pookie a bath, cleaned & flea sprayed my bedroom which has AC, brushed Baboo, read some, got the truck oil changed and met the farrier for a hoof trimming session.   I also drank a LOT of ice water.  And considered various truths of life.

1.No matter how you list the items of a household budget the bottom line stays the same.  Changing the order of the budget entries does nothing to alter the budget.  Phooey, why does creative budgeting only work for the government. 

2.Washing your laundry in cold water does reduce how hot the laundry area gets.  Drying your clothes outside helps a great deal too.

3.Cats are more willing to ignore other cats they don’t like much when  sharing a room with AC in really really hot weather. 

4.Kittens are unaffected by ugly hot weather much to the displeasure of older cats who really don’t want to play tag in the heat.

5.No matter how frequently one brushes a collie-type dog there is always a lot of undercoat to brush out.  Maybe the undercoat clones itself.

6.Thunderstorms like to tease humans during heat waves by promising torrential rain which never actually falls.  If by chance a thunderstorm actually does drop heavy rain it will also knock out the power thereby nuking the AC in your home. 

7.”The heat is much easier to handle than 28 inches of snow.”  Its a good mantra, use it.

8.Tina in Japan lives in the back of beyond.  So far, no atlas or map of Japan has shown her current abode.  She’s done it, she’s off the map !  Huzzah Tina !

Monday, July 5, 2010

Summer’s Halfway Point

Its hot.  Its humid.  My To-Do list is getting shortened but very slowly.  Its just too hot to do much Mightly Mouse work.  I have managed to get kayaking on the Rivanna River once each work break.  I’ve been up the Jumping Branch of the river into the Ivy Creek Natural area until the Branch got too shallow to continue.  Last trip I saw 2 great blue herons, a muskrat, a doe drinking from the branch not 12 ft. from me, about 4 dozen Canada geese, a dozen or so Mallard ducks, more turtles than I could easily count and a selection of birds I couldn’t quite identify.  Yesterday I went up the river itself half way to the Earlysville bridge and saw a nice 6 point buck, an adult great blue heron, a juvenile great blue heron, half a hundred Canada geese, several dozen mallard ducks, a whole convention of turtles at a bend in the river and 3 kingfishers.  I’ve working on improving my paddling skills, the Rivanna where I’m kayaking is impounded so there’s no current to speak of.  I’ve got basic straight forward and staying centered down, working on tight turns.  I don’t think I’m ready for moving water yet. 

I’ve also been helping friends in Staunton ready their house for sale.  Their new kitchen cabinet doors have been primed, sanded, various little voids filled and given their first coat of paint.  Its going slowly in part because they have me using oil based paint and its taking 6 to 8 hours for the paint to dry.  So I can only work on one coat on one side of the doors a day.  They need another light sanding & a second coat of paint before I can deliver them.  Saturday I spent at their place removing wall to wall carpet, wall to wall carpet padding & the nail strips used to hold wall to wall carpet in place.  Uufda.  Once the carpets & carpet strips were up we chilled for a bit, had dinner & then headed out for the local fireworks.  Not a bad day all in all, not bad at all.

Happy Birthday to the USA and here’s to a good July & August for all my friends.

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