Wednesday it was 103 here at high noon, today it was 100. I didn’t even consider going paddling, painting house trim, mowing the yard, working on N&K’s cabinet doors or any other similar tasks. I did do my dishes, wash clothes which I spread out on my lawn to dry rather than use the dryer, brushed out Sophia, gave Pookie a bath, cleaned & flea sprayed my bedroom which has AC, brushed Baboo, read some, got the truck oil changed and met the farrier for a hoof trimming session. I also drank a LOT of ice water. And considered various truths of life.
1.No matter how you list the items of a household budget the bottom line stays the same. Changing the order of the budget entries does nothing to alter the budget. Phooey, why does creative budgeting only work for the government.
2.Washing your laundry in cold water does reduce how hot the laundry area gets. Drying your clothes outside helps a great deal too.
3.Cats are more willing to ignore other cats they don’t like much when sharing a room with AC in really really hot weather.
4.Kittens are unaffected by ugly hot weather much to the displeasure of older cats who really don’t want to play tag in the heat.
5.No matter how frequently one brushes a collie-type dog there is always a lot of undercoat to brush out. Maybe the undercoat clones itself.
6.Thunderstorms like to tease humans during heat waves by promising torrential rain which never actually falls. If by chance a thunderstorm actually does drop heavy rain it will also knock out the power thereby nuking the AC in your home.
7.”The heat is much easier to handle than 28 inches of snow.” Its a good mantra, use it.
8.Tina in Japan lives in the back of beyond. So far, no atlas or map of Japan has shown her current abode. She’s done it, she’s off the map ! Huzzah Tina !