Its October and time for the OVPR ! A-Ho ! After the mudfest of the EPR I was more than ready for a four days in the 18th century woods with my friends. Its time for Shining Times ! I was able to get to camp Wednesday evening just in time for BBQ pork dinner (which was most excellent), but then had to scurry around to get my camp set up by nightfall.

Here’s my camp all unloaded from my mule Chevy and ready to be setup once I return from dinner. The mule is already in the corral for the duration.

Here’s my lodge all setup. I had to wait until Thursday morning after breakfast to take this shot. Flash photos at Vous are down right disrespectful.

The fall OVPR traditionally has a pumpkin carving contest. These fellows were out and about by Thursday afternoon. The rain Friday and Saturday seemed to limit the carvers but there were still over 18 carved pumpkins around for the kids Trick or Treat on Saturday.

Gypsy Jane had to work so she didn’t get to the Vous until Friday noon. Here’s our lodges, the fire ring has been moved just under the fly so we weren’t cooking out in the rain.

Thursday was wonderful – sunny and warm. A great day to be camping in the woods.

Friday and Saturday were nippy to the point of cold but still a great day to be camped in the woods. The rain was steady but there little wind except up on Trader’s Row.

Nothing like good hot homemade stew to warm one’s inner man.

The rain meant a fair amount of folks put up side walls to their flies. There wasn’t much wind but it was nippy. Ah, 3 old friends just hanging out around the fire at Feather’s lodge. (Feather’s the guy in the middle.)

Another family keeping warm around their lodge fire.

Back from a Good Day on the Range. The rain made it hard on the shooters but a goodly number competed anyway.

A watched pot may not boil, but when you’re having Shinning Times, who cares ?

Of course Hootie Owl saw that all was well at the Tavern.

Dulcimer Dave and Preacher Ken entertaining at the Ladies Social.

And me, Ballad Singin Sue trying to keep warm. Under the hunting shirt I’ve got a wool vest over a flannel shirt. The pants are 14 oz. wool. The hat is NOT for sale. Yes I’ve had offers to buy it right off my head. If you want one, Jas. Townsend sells them in both black and gray wool felt. The feathers you have to find for yourself.