Operation Bedroom has been Completed !
All the boxes are out, 3 kitty litter bags of paper stuff & 2 trash bags of junk have been eliminated, 5 boxes of stuff have been packed up & the rug has been Bisselled completely ! I had intended to go ahead &, paint the room too but decided to move on to cleaning the other front bedroom out instead. I'm planning on finding both front bedrooms & the front room, then moving on to painting all 3 rooms
I do plan on getting the Motorcycle Event Pin display up above my bed as well as clean some areas of the walls & doors. The closet door still needs to be fixed & the stuff hanging on the doors put away but this is tweeking - the room itself is now neat & clean.
The CD & DVD media shelving units will move to the front room & a nice maple bookshelf will go here at some future time. Meanwhile it sure is nice to have music & movies where I can find them.
Clearly the cats approve of their new sleeping digs too.