Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday to the US of A

Urchin had planned a house warming party on the 4th but as my faithful readers know a bodacious storm blow the party right off the calendar.  Da Urchin and I seemed to be the only party folks with power so all of the potential party attendees were taking care of business.  I drove up on the 3rd after work and got more down tree cut up.   Don and Dolores arrived with a 2nd chain saw on the 4th and 2 of the neighbors came over with a chain saw too so the tree was reduced to a nice stack of wood by early afternoon


Don & Dolores

So the 4 of us had a nice quiet little July 4th party.  We watched the birds come to the veranda  birdfeeders, we chatted about all kinds of things, we played with Urchin’s cats, we chilled in the AC.  Just before dark we went to the local convenience store and got excellent subs and sandwiches made to order at pleasant prices.  We even got a few fireworks off before the thunderstorm drove us back inside.

It was a glorious day spent with family and friends.  It doesn’t get much better than that.

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