Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lodge Table Project

OK, so between The Rainy Summer and My Crazy Work Schedule this summer wasn’t much for home maintenance or hobby projects.  I got some sewing repairs done, I got some wood cut up, and I generally kept the storage side yard read up.  The yard got mowed.  That pretty well covers it.

Back in late spring I found this neat little table for $2.50 at a local Goodwill store.  It was rather wobbly and the wood was showing its age but it had potential.  So I bought it, disassembled it, and then tried to find time to work on it. 

Table 2

It got sanded in June, stained in July and put back together in August.  I glued and clamped everything when I screwed it back together and replaced all the hardware with brass fittings.  When all was sanded and done it cost me $9.37.

Table 1

I don’t have a specific purpose for it in my camp but figure its just a handy way to keep things off the ground and within reach.  I plan to use it at the fall OVPR for my Halloween candy. 

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