Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tidewater Road Trip - Pirate Festival

Hampton VA holds a Pirate Festival in late spring & Stacy, daughter of my good friend Gypsy Jane,  sings in said festival on a regular basis with her friends Roger & Danny.  So Gypsy Jane & I decided to take a road trip to tidewater VA, visit Yorktown & Jamestown, and take in the Pirate Fest in between.

Stacy Band (4)

Roger, Stacy & Danny

Now this event is related to actual pirates in the 1700’s rather like Renaissance  Fairs are related to the historic renaissance.  There’s a fair number of folks in pirate-esk clothes that are long on black leather, red sashes, swords & faux firearms for the lads and short on any clothes at all for the lasses.  It is grand fun just fantasy rather than history for the most part.

Skills (1) Pirate Cooking

There was a nice pirate camp that was more historic in nature.  This robust fellow was demonstrating  fine period cookery, or rather fine cookery if you were a member of the lower classes in the early 1700”s. 

Skills (5)

Outdoor Hearth

The cast ironware wasn’t the norm for the era but the food being prepared was pretty much spot on.  Basic breads, pottages & bean based stews were all the rage.  Plus slow roasted meat.  Slow roasted so it had at least a change of getting tender enough to eat.  In the 1700’s most eaten meat was was animals past their working prime & old animals are tough animals in more ways than one.

Skills (4)

Clay Bake Oven

Several of the breads on display were baked in this clay oven.  The idea was to fire the oven up in the morning & then bake things throughout the day.  Stuffs taking high heat gets done first, then other items in descending order of baking heat.  With skill & some luck a second warm up fire wouldn’t be needed for the days cooking.  Then beans in water would be put in overnight to soak.  They would be taken out & then used as the base for the day’s stew while the oven would be re-fired for the day’s baking.

Skills (3)

Rope Maker & Mini Rope Walk

Kids could make a piece of rope with this craftsman & keep it.  He was very popular & doing a brisk business.  He was also demonstrating rope splicing & serving.

Boats (8)

British Coast Guard Boat

Of course a pirate fest needs boats.  This one has a modest swivel gun in the bow & a well armed crew.  A sturdy little boat & easy beached when the need arises.

Brit Boats (3)

British Navel Press Gang

These poor lads have been impressed into royal service.  They weren’t any too happy about it either.  Ah it’s the seaman’s life for them now, whether they will or no.  At least these lads won’t be port riff-raff any longer.

Brit Boats (5)

Patrol Boat with A Swivel Gun & Navy Crew

Brit Boats (7)

Two Masted Sailing Skiff with Swivel Gun & Impressed Oarsmen

The winds were brisk & contrary but everyone made it up river & to the seawall dock  without mishap.  The last bit to the dock did require rowing for the larger boat with its impressed crew.

Brit Boats (11)

Sails Furled & Coming into the Dock

There is a French canon on the seawall near one of the performance stages.  The level of detail in the bas relief casting on such seemingly utilitarian item always catches me by surprise.  In the 1700’s men are cheap while manufactured goods are dear.

Canon (2) Historic Canon

Now a good Pirate Fest needs a good sea battle, or at least a good river battle.  So a battle between Black Beard & the Royal Navy was arranged. 

Battle (3)

Black Beard’s Ship

Black Beard’s ship arrived on the scene first with his crew of rogues.  They had fired their cannon several times while sailing up river & were spoiling for a fight.

Battle (6)

 The Royal Navy

The King’s Navy had a smaller boat & crew.  After several broadsides from the pirates no activity was seen on the navel vessel & the pirates closed in to board their prize.

 Battle (11)

The Fight on Board the Naval Vessel

It’s a ruse!  The Navel seaman were laying low.  They rose up & defeated the pirates.

Battle (1)

Black Beard’s Head on Display

The dreaded Black Beard is no more & his crew killed or taken prisoner.  The colonial coast is free from his depravities once more. 

Water reenactments are harder to stage  well than land based battles but this one was fun to watch anyway.  The Festival is free & was fun.  There was an area of kids activities with face painting, a moon walk  & the like.  There were also various crafts , pirate clothing & accouterments, and food for sale along with several live performance stages.  The whole festival covered several city blocks and 2 park areas.   Too bad real pirates are so nasty.

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