Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fall Foliage & Friends – October 17

Da Urchin’s college roomie came for a week visit in mid October.  I had prior commitments for most of her time at Da Urchin’s place but was able to join them for a day.  Now the last 2 foliage seasons around Front Royal weren’t much to brag about as they were short & blandly monochromatic.  Now Da Urchin’s Roomie is from the southern edge of the Adirondacks in upstate New York & thus is no stranger to Awesome Foliage Displays.  So Virginia needed to step up to the plate & step up it surely did as it laid out one Awesome Fall Foliage around Front Royal this year.

Tina Visit (5)

The View to the Northeast

Tina Visit (7)

The View Across the Street

It was such a nice day we decided to go for a hike in the Thompson Wildlife Management Area.  Its on the other side of the ridge from Da Urchin’s house.  The Appalachian Trail runs through the WMA with various other trails branching off of the AT.  The map we had showed us a nice circuit hike we could do easily in an afternoon.

Tina Visit (10)  Da Urchin & Lexi

We decided to take the dogs along.  The AT itself was narrow & kinda rocky but some of the other trails are wide sandy old dirt roads.  We were passed by 6 or 7 other hikers while on the AT section but didn’t see anyone else on the other trails at all.

Tina Visit (12) 

The Foster Brittany Spaniel

Da Urchin was fostering a Brittany Spaniel & we took him along too.  He did just fine.  One section of the trail we took was spider web city.  I went ahead through that section & de-webbed things.  I haven’t been hiking like this in years, something I need to remedy.  Thanks to Da Urchin & Da Roomie!


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