Rendezvous isn’t really about women doing things with other women while the mem do stuff with other men. It’s about people doing stuff with their family & friends, stuff which happens to involve some of the skills of our ancestors who lived before 1840 on this continent.
Cooking and heating wash water over a fire is a daily event in every camp. The camp fire equipment need not be fancy, these folks have dug a shallow fire pit and are using a modest sizefolding fire grate.
This father & daughter are off to the range for the junior match. They came back with the daughter grinning ear to ear so I gather it went well.
I’ve camped near or next to these folks the last couple events. I very mush enjoy their company as neighbors.
A Goodwife Helping Her Goodman Dress
OK, sometimes it seems you can dress them up but you can’t take them out.
Or maybe you can. A glass or two of wine helps.
Sausage, cheese, a hot beverage, and a warm little mid-day fire shared with a friend – the best of lunches.
Waiting for Dinner to Cook
Open fire cooking just plain takes longer than stovetop & oven cooking. Time to sit, chat, mind the fire, and stir the pot.
Supper tends to be eaten in the late afternoon rather than in the evening. It’s best to be able to wash & clean everything before it gets dark. Washing things by candlelight does not produce pleasantly clean dishes.
Sanitation is just important in camp as it is back home. Soap residue on cookware and dishes tends to lead to frequent trips to the hooters, soap being an excellent lubricant for that kind of thing. Which is not much fun.
Another Family Camp
Cleaning the firelock back at the lodge, a job repeated in camp after camp all over camp.
Two Old Friends, a Fire & Bacon Cooking
The coffee is ready too, and the scrambled eggs will replace the bacon in the frying pan once it’s done.
Awaiting His Friends Return from the Range
Rendezvousers fit their camps in where ever it looks good. This usually means fitting the tent, dining fly and firepit location around trees, stumps, humps, and depressions in the ground. It can be quite a challange.
Buffalo Woman had her teepee set up on the other side of camp from this one. This group actually had 2 teepees set up along with a dining fly and some other tentage. It can be tricky to find enough vertical room for a teepee in a wooded site such as this one.
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