Friday, September 5, 2008

The End of Summer

Its official. Summer is over. I know, the weather is still warm, the woods still verdant green but summer is over. The fireflies have stopped rising, there have been no blinking little bugs in my neighborhood for a week. So summer is over. Much as I love fall (which really is my favorite season) I always feel a profound sadness when summer ends. It has been a good summer, I have been camping once a month at the Izaak Walton League in Lynchburg, attended 2 'Vous and ALBA, spent some time with my kid, seen Tina off to Japan, and gotten well along on the exterior house trim painting. It has been a good summer so I guess feeling a sorrow at its ending makes sense.

This is the late summer woods behind my home.

1 comment:

Urchin said...

Bye bye summer, hellooooo COLD! Less bugs though...I like less bugs!


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