Monday, September 22, 2008

Unexpected Pleasure

Ruckersville hosts a modest Civil War Re-enactment the 3rd weekend of September. And I of course must work on that weekend, which is a serious bummer. The event is all of 4.6 miles from my house, I could bicycle there already. But I gots LUCKY ! Work needed to reschedule my time off next week and I of course agreed - agreed to go home early Friday night and stay home Saturday night. Huzzah !

So Saturday morning early I went & hung out with my 2nd Rhode Island Volunteer Co. F buddies. Then when it started to get unpleasantly warm, I headed home and painted house trim for a couple of hours. I could hear the cannon firing from my yard. Dinner rolled around, I put on a Garabaldi skirt & blouse & headed back to the CW doings. Ambled over to the Rebel horse camp, had a great dinner with the horsey guys, meandered back to the dance tent, danced a bit, then finished the night off with the night cannon firing. I had a fantastic time. Saw a whole bunch of friends & arranged to sell my Amrisport .58 Springfield. Sorry, no pictures. I was too busy having fun.

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