Friday, August 5, 2011

Lazy, Hazy & Way Too Hot

The lazy, hazy days of mid summer have arrived along with way to much heat & humidity.  The trim painting project is on hold until the heat index is below 90 & the daily thunderstorms are over.  All that rain maybe great for the water table but it also means I’m still mowing the yard weekly & barely keeping up at that.  I’ve also made progress on minor projects around the house, but even sorting through boxes of books etc. is hard when the heat index is still over 100 at midnight.


The praying mantis of course are perfectly happy with the hot & humid weather.  There are plenty of bugs for them to eat & plenty of lush green plants to ambush said bugs on.  This one is just shy of 3 inches back on July 27th.  The lilies have bloomed & are drying back so the mantis have moved on to other hunting grounds.


The nest in my front room window was built by wrens.  Currently the hen is sitting on 4 brown speckled eggs which should hatch in another 7-10 days.  I’m sitting in my back yard rather than the swing in the front yard until the birds have grown & gone. 

Else its been a good summer.  Last Friday I took my daughter’s Ninja in for its annual inspection & then rode it up to her on Saturday morning.  We had a great day staying cool at her place with lunch at the Amphora with Carly, Dean, Don & Dolores.   Sunday I drove to Lynchburg & spent the day with Gypsy Jane at the Izaak Walton League campground.  I got a bit too much sun swimming in the lake there  (yes I put sunblock on, twice even) but that’s healing up nicely.   Wednesday was a marathon lawn mowing session & house chore day so I could spend Thursday again with Gypsy Jane.  We had a great time chillin’ & of course swimming in the lake.  (I wore a t-shirt over my suit so as not to re-burn my previous burn.)


Here’s Gypsy Jane’s New-to-Her RV with my truck parked behind it.  The silver mat over the front window is heat reflective material so the inside doesn’t become an oven.  She’s got mats for all the windows but only the front one goes on the outside of the rig.  Her work has had her working nights the last few weeks so the mats are needed to keep the rig both cool & dark inside.  It’s a very neat rig, a great place to a full timer to live although its not as easy to drive as her previous home. 

Ah the 1st week of August – can A Laid Back Affair Motorcycle Gathering be far behind?

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