Friday, April 24, 2015

Trade Goods of Note

The Fort Frederick Trade Fair is, well, a Trade Fair.  So all kinds of 18th century goods can be found.  These are just a few of my favorites.

FFTF 15 (43) Various Guns Long & Short

OK, some of these are 17th century designs, but they’re super anyway.  I rather favor the horse pistol on top.

FFTF 15 (44) Various Types of Gun Locks & a Gun Tool

Personally I think making my own gun from scratch is way too much work, but it does float some folks boat.

FFTF 15 (77) Long Rifles and a Few Muskets

I rather like the Committee of Safety Musket, its 2nd from the bottom.

FFTF 15 (78) Military Muskets of Various Kinds

The short stubby thing leaning against the rack is a granade launcher.  It’s a navel gun, the hook lets the user stabilize the thing using a ship’s rail. 

FFTF 15 (14) Powder Flask

My persona wouldn’t own this and its not in the budget but I really really like this flask.

FFTF 15 (34) Blanket Trader’s Array of Flasks & Powder Measures

I did buy 2 of the little turn screws with rammer puller holes from the lower left hand corner of this gents trade goods.

FFTF 15 (39) Redware

More things that pleasure the eye, empty the pocketbook and have no place given my persona.  Sigh.

FFTF 15 (45) Art Portraying the 18th Century

The painting of a young Tomas Jefferson in the upper right corner really caught my eye.

FFTF 15 (47) Trading on the Banks of the River

I liked the peaceful activity of this one.  FYI: I got permission from the artist to both photograph her work and put some of the photos in my blog. 

FFTF 15 (41) Quill Work at Beaver River Trading

FFTF 15 (81) More Excellent Quillwork at another Trader’s Tent

FFTF 15 (82) Quillwork Pouch

I like this pouch enough that’s it’s almost worth changing my persona so I could use it. 

FFTF 15 (79) Beadwork Knife Sheathes


FFTF 15 (80) More Excellent Beadwork

These are garters to hold up leggings or stockings.

 FFTF 15 (16)Camp Cook Box

OK, this isn’t a trade good, its a camp box made by its owner.  A modest size camp box that is likely to be duplicated by me and for me lodge.  Its about 8 projects down on the list so don’t hold your breath.

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