Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fall Thoughts

This is one of my favorite spots to just go sit, watch the wildlife & think.

The trees in my woods have lost almost all their leaves, the understory plants are but dry stalks, and the crickets still sing of an evening but with less enthusiasm. I have redone the tomahawk stump pile & the firewood pile, putting landscape timbers under both so the bottom layer is held off the ground. All the wood I've cut up so far is now stacked back by my fire ring. The kitchen wall cleaning is almost done & I've started spackling the walls so I can paint them. My clothes closet has been gone through & everything that doesn't fit well is cleaned & ready to go to the local thrift store. The old cell phones & their accessories (the ones Urchin & I had when she was in college) have had their contact numbers erased & are ready to be recycled.

Friday last I was able to meet the Urchin for dinner at a grocery store food court. We had a great time, talked of this & that, pretty much just enjoyed each others company. I hope we can do that a bit more often. Saturday I puttered around the house a bit & then went to the Ivy Creek Natural Area for a walk in the woods. Sunday found me at the IWLL shooting range with my friend Jane. I finally got around to firing the .45 flintlock pistol my dad gave me back in 2000. It shoots nicely but I do need to spend some time working out its optimum target load. Monday I worked on the house & yard some more, then took a nice ride over Snickers Gap to enjoy the fall vistas. I also picked up pet & bird food. The chickadees, tufted titmice & wrens are quite happy about the birdseed part. Today I've done more routine cleaning while loading blog pictures. And so it goes.

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