This is the scene that greeted me when I got up Saturday morning. Not much changed all day. Once it got dark the wet slushy snow turned to frozen crusty icy snow. Very unpleasant. Concerts were canceled, church services (including those at my parish) were canceled, and in general whatever was planned for Saturday evening didn't happen. The Malls even closed early. Not that this bothered me all that much. See I had planned to drive up and visit The Urchin Saturday evening through Sunday evening, but a change in The Urchin's Work Schedule necessitated a change in my visit schedule to Thursday evening through Friday evening. So The Urchin, D&D and I had a grand time. Urchin, Dolores and I went out to breakfast at the Amphora and then checked out the local pet supply store. Later on Urchin and I went out and got our hair styled. We even went to Tyson's Corner to check out the Holiday decorations, although that was a bit of a bust. Very sparse decorations, none of the wonderful displays in the concourse intersections that I remember at Tyson's in years past. I drove up and back on clear dry roads.

Of course we had to fuss over Urchin's kitten Wicket. He's gained half a pound in the last 2 weeks, which is very good. He has also learned how to wake up and immediately scamper at warp 9 all over everything in sight. In other words, he is a typical kitten with a corner on cuteness and a chainsaw purr.

He has also managed to wrap Don around his itty bitty paws. Mischief managed incarnate.
I did get out on Sunday, bought some Christmas cards and started in on them after dinner. May all my readers have a Wonderful Advent, a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a Joyous 12 Days of Christmas. Or if they prefer a Happy Chanukah or a Joyous Mid-Winter.
1 comment:
Seven inches at the house when it finally stopped Saturday night. It was a perfect time not to travel and keep the wood stove going for most of these next few days.
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