I think this snow storm used a Map Quest knock off. It obviously was headed for North Dakota and somehow got here through bad directions.
The snow on the spare tire on my motorcycle trailer measures 26 inches at this point in time. Notice that it is still snowing. Its going to keep this nonsense up for about 6 more hours.
My friend Jane wants to be in Texas about now. Me, I want to be retired so I could just wait it out and enjoy it. Note to Santa: Please send me a nice set of wood & rawhide beavertail snowshoes with a classic strap leather harness.
Yeah, South Texas would be good. Anywhere I could strap a snow shovel on the front of the motorhome and ppl would ask me what that funny thing is.
Seems I remember a Mason-Dixon line 2 states NORTH of here - this is the South, isn't it???
Actually the Mason Dixon line defines the southern border of Pennsylvania and Maryland/Delaware. So its one state north of Virginia.
Where's global warming when you need it?
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