Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Its Spring AGGHHH !

Where did the winter go ?  I didn’t get any wood cut up outside (its been covered with snow), I’ve got more downed limbs to cut (product of too much snow), the red strip 1700’s petticoat still needs a rear placket and waistband, there’s a weskit to sew, Jane’s cot to fix, my cot to fix, the new tent is here & needs its poles made, and WHERE DID THE WINTER GO ?  I got all kinds of stuff done in December then everything went to pot.  Or to snow I guess – I spent way too much of my time shoveling snow, trying to get places in the snow, sleeping at work because of the snow, leaving early for work because of the snow, and generally being exhausted due to the snow.  So now its March, I’ve got a week until OVPR and AGGHHH !


There, that’s out of my system.  Jane’s cot is coming along nicely, although the kittahs don’t think it needs fixing.  Skitty thinks its fine the way it is.


Clearly Baboo and Pippin agree.  They spent a great deal of time Tuesday inspecting my work.   The cover is getting fixed in spite of their “help”.  Now if I can get the poles for the new tent done I’ll at least show up at OVPR having accomplished SOMETHING.

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