Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Loose Ends – June 1 & 2


Paws-in-Trouble coming down off the roof – note to self, always check roof before removing the ladder.

The 1st of the month is pay day and I also had a dentist appointment that morning.  Got the finances and teeth done, but my teeth ached too much for any other major work.  I did get Advantage on the pets, a follow up to the Capstar.  Sophia has been brushed out.  The camp canvas has been put away, the ‘vous clothes washed and stored, the wool blankets aired and put away, and the modern laundry done.  Late Tuesday night I installed the new AC unit in my bedroom window, so now its cool and dehumidified where I sleep.   Various other cleaning has been done, although the front lawn has yet to get mowed.  Oh well, 2 nights of work and then I can mow it.  All in all it has been a good week.  Hugs to all my friends.


Chipmunk helping me put away canvas.

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