Da Urchin is currently enjoying her first ever week long vacation from her current employer. WooHoo! So we planned to get together on my non-work weekend for some shopping, a day of motorcycle riding and maybe some fishing. So Friday afternoon I rode over to her place, or rather close to her place because her place is on a twisty gravel road that isn’t Harley friendly. It isn’t Ninja250 friendly either so her motorcycle is kept in a nearby storage facility.

The Harley at the Soft Serve stand awaiting Da Urchin
I texted her when I got to Front Royal & again from the Linden. She texted me back that it was monsooning at her place & I might want to hold up inside somewhere. I had clouds but no rain & I was less than 5 miles away from her place. Go figure. So we parked the Harley and ran some errands in Front Royal. Dinner was at a pleasant Chinese buffet followed by an evening of chillin’ at her place watching DVDs.
Saturday we had planned to motorcycle, but there was a foster dog to pick up in Harmon West Virginia and the intermittent rain made it a poor motorcycle day. So off we headed on our first road trip since Da Urchin was a college student. First was a stop in Winchester for a new spinning reel from Gander Mountain and lunch at a Taco Bell. Then it was on to Wild Wonderful West Virginia on roads with little green scenic rout makes on the map.

Lost River Scenic Overlook
The day stayed cool and overcast all day so the hills where hazy and sometimes mist shrouded. There wasn’t much traffic and the drive was fun.

Part of the route was alone roads I’d driven over frequently when I lived in Silver Spring MD back in my 20’s – its on the way to a favorite backpacking location. I remember the rocks but not the house or the sign. Overall the area looked more prosperous than it had in the early 70’s.

We also stopped at Seneca Rocks to stretch our legs. The open area around the Visitor Center was the Indian village location and archeological work is being done on the site. The area is a popular one for motorcyclists mountain bikes, hikers, climbers and trout fishermen. There’s a small climbing school here and 3 camping areas. I keep meaning to ride here as a 2 day trip but haven’t managed it yet.

Not everything at Seneca Rocks is a going concern.
A short way down the rode we picked up the pooch. He’s a very sweet dog. Since Da Urchin had drove us there I drove us back. We got home before dark a bit tired but we’d had a glorious day.

Da Urchin with the Rescue
Sunday it was raining lightly when we got up and rained a whole lot harder while we were loading up the Harley for my ride home. We had a Most Excellent breakfast at the Apple House waiting for P.S.the rain to diminish. It didn’t diminish. I checked in with work and found out I didn’t need to go in Sunday night (YeeHaw) so we went back to Da Urchin’s to let the storms move on a bit. It continued to rain hard while we worked on replacing damaged screening in the frames for the front room. We got 2 of her screens re-screened before the sun came out. Not being foolish enough to let the sun go by un-used, we headed back to the bikes & I rode on home. I had a glorious ride back on clear dry roads only to find out the weather closed back in at her place barely 20 minutes after I left.
It was a wonderful weekend. Thanks to Da Urchin. Oh, the fishing? It can wait - fishing rain muddied water in a downpour isn’t our idea of a good time.
P.S. My Faithful Readers have noted that I’ve been spending a goodly amount of time at Da Urchin’s Place either helping her move in or working on repairing tree-on-house damage. This hasn’t meant my own place has been ignored.

Remember this white pine limb on my roof? After I got the rest of it off and the roof patched?

Well its now a nice white pine limb on the ground where my chainsaw and my splitting maul can reduce it into nice fire ring length pieces to be burned of an evening in my backyard.