These wonderful crocus greeted me Saturday went I went out to get the mail. Yippie ! Spring is almost here ! For those of you who have forgotten, I have specific markers to indicate the change of seasons. Spring will officially be here when the tree frogs and peepers begin to sing. The cardinals are in breeding plumage, the titmice are twitter paited, but that's just nature's way of announcing spring is on the way. It takes tree frogs and peepers to make it spring. By the way, these crocus were here when I bought the house, they appeared in my side yard in 1993 and have faithfully reappeared every year since. They remind me of my childhood home on Fiske Rd. in Michigan. Except in Michigan the crocus usually bloom right through the snow.
The warm weather prompted me to spend 2.5 hours Monday climbing up and down a ladder trimming the maple in my front yard. Should have done the trimming years ago - oh well better late than never. So now just about everything from my waist up is sore. Sawing off tree limbs from a ladder takes all kinds of muscles I forgot I had. I have been reminded. Of course carrying 4 large logs for the stream bridge from the woods to the bridge probably didn't help my muscles any. So Tuesday I was dishes, did the laundry, cleaned up the kitchen in general, sent off 3 ebay sales and got some prints of Phil/Philomenia from the OVPR of last spring.

So here's Phil and
his twin sister Philomena -
A handsome set of twins they are too !
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