Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring OVPR ?

OK, so March 19-22 was the Old Virginia Primitive Riflemen's Spring Rendezvous. I spent March 13-15 getting house and yard tasks done plus getting my 1777 Charleville musket and all its accouterments cleaned up & ready to shoot. Bounced around like a loose pinball March 18th getting my 'Vous gear in order & packed. Very tricky packing the truck after dark. Left at 4:30am on the 19th and got to the 'Vous by 8:30am after a very pleasant ferry ride across the James River. Registered as participant #3 even. By 10am I was all setup next to my friend Buffalo Woman and the weather was delightful. Set out my trade blanket, made the rounds of various lodges catching up on all the news, and returned to camp as Bob & Norma Ritchie were setting up their marque near my camp. Late afternoon brought some light rain and lower temps but Thursday night was otherwise fine. I had packed my 7x7 hunter, put it up for sale and it sold by dinner. Cool, more $$$ to help pay off my new stove.

This is Flick of Split Rails - He sells leather stuff, clothes, copperware, knives and the best fudge on the planet.

Friday dawned cold. And stayed cold. All day and night. And all day Saturday. And all night Saturday. And all day Sunday until who knows when after I left for home at noon. I have been to warmer winter camps at Belle Grove in late November. I've been to warmer winter camps in Michigan in January. The ticks of course were unaffected by the cold, I removed 8 of the things before I left the 'Vous. I still had a good time. I still shot my first ever smoothbore competition with my flintlock musket. I learned a bit more about flinters and got some pointers on working up a good competition load for my musket. Sang some, delivered some photos to folks, bought some cool buttons, delivered the haversacks I had made for Holly and Bob. But it really really needed to be about 10 degrees warmer at a minimum.

Got home mid afternoon Sunday & got the gear unloaded, cleaned and put up. Discovered the tentpole hanger I swapped for got left behind somehow. Grrr. Also mucked up copying the photos I took and they went into cyberspace somewhere. Grrr. Took me the drive home and a hot bath to be truly warm. In spit of all that I had a wonderful time. Go figure.

A special tanks to Kat for seeing to the pets and bringing me 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.

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