merri catmus & happi nu yers 2 all r kittah frenz. santipaws waz gud 2 us. der iz lotz of ribbens 2 plaz wiffs. der iz boxes 2 sleps in. der iz preti colereds paper ballz 2 biffs. dez iz ebin a nu bottle cap puk 4 baff tubz hocki. all da kittahs herez gots sum tings gud.

cc and tabatha's houmins gif us dis nice birdie wut sings and moovez wan u biffs it.

skamper-dootle's houmin gif us dis super 2 up sleps basket
der waz nip far nu yerz 2. it iz gud to haz such considerit and thotful houmins to serve us. we gifs de houmins boxin dayz offs. we doz haz a festashun of red dotz but we iz ons itz. da red dotz iz gud to chases and pounces onz. da is az gud az nip. ma all r kittah frenz haz a gud nu yer.
baboo - alikat - wingnut - pawsintrouble - skiddy - pippin
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