One of the joys of my work is its schedule – I work on 2 or 3 nights, then have 2 or 3 days off. This means that if I can schedule any given 2 or 3 work nights off I have a whole 7 calendar days off. Sweet. So on May 26 I started a work-free week. Wednesday I came home from work about 7am, slept for 4 hours then got up and got to it. The garbage is all out at the street, my double brazier is washed, repainted hi-temp BBQ black and ready for sale, the door tent peg loops on my 9x9x7 wedge are all sewn where I want them, the ‘Vous groceries bought, my packing list made and general house cleaning has been accomplished.
Thursday morning I headed out to where Irish & Louise are boarded. Both horses were having their hooves trimmed, then I groomed and washed both of them. The last of the winter hair has now been brushed out, their manes have been combed, their tails somewhat combed, they’ve got hoof stuff on their feet and bug spray on the rest of them. Irish also has some pink Swat on his legs where the black biting flies have been giving him a hard time.
Irish all combed out & freshly washed
Irish really really likes to be washed – he really is a waterboy !
Once I finished with the horses it was time to head home and pack up for the Shenandoah Longrifle Rendezvous at Belle Grove. I had originally planned to get there by this evening but decided that the developing thunderstorms made it more sensible to go there Friday morning.