Monday, May 24, 2010

Make Lemonade

So this weekend last I had planned to visit my daughter Friday, go to D&D’s Saturday about noon and then attend a concert by Norman Kennedy with them on Saturday evening.  Except the Urchin ended up house sitting, which blew out Friday evening, and my checkbook informed me that it didn’t have enough funds to drive to metro DC and do the concert.  Not unless I wanted to run out of gas funds for the Belle Grove Rendezvous for which I have already registered and have time off for.  The extra trips to work for in-service training and range qualification ate the concert trip funds.  Bummer. 

So I made the best of being stuck at home.  The kitchen door, kitchen windows and my bedroom window have been cleaned, prepped and painted.  Double hung windows mean painting most of the window frame, then reversing the window positions and painting the rest of the frame once the first part sets up.  Lots of up and down the ladder.  And that’s after all the dead bugs, spider’s nests etc. have been cleaned out of the area between the storm windows and the double hung windows.  Its also nice if the indoor cats stay indoors and the outdoor bugs stay outdoors while all of this cleaning and painting is going on.  Plus its a good idea to make sure Paws-in-Trouble isn’t up on the roof before you remove the ladder or Paws can’t get down.  Yet somehow I got it all sorted out and the trim does look nice if I do say so myself.

The forsythia trimmings have also been disposed of, although the rain started up whenever I headed out to do more trimming on the bushes.  The metal bands on the 1812 canteen have been painted black.  The tips of my camp flag pole have also been painted black, although I haven’t decided what color to paint the rest of the pole yet.  The big wedge tent has its upright pole pin holes marked and 2 of its door tent peg loops relocated where I want them.  My respect for sail makers has increased ten fold.  Sewing through 3 layers of canvas and either 1 or 2 layers of cotton webbing is serious work ! 

Since all work and no play made for a dull day, I also watched Castle in the Sky by Hayao Miyazaki.  I’ve now got 7 of his animated movies and an evening with Miyazaki is always a pleasure.  Although I would have preferred an evening with D&D and Norman Kennedy, the lemonade wasn’t half bad.

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