Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Moving Day

Urchin is moving out of the apartment she was sharing with Amber and into the lower level of a friends house (Amber got married & got a new place with her new husband).   So Urchin bribed me with food & gas money to be her truck-company-for-a-day & got JR & Eric to come help in the muscle department.  (Yours truly is too old to be hufting boxes down 2 flights of stairs out & 1 flight in.)


Packed up and ready to go


Wicket surveys the packing


Last of the kitchen stuff


Here’s hoping its not raining hard when we move this – it will only fit in my open truck bed


Gigi & Wicket were finding all this activity rather confusing

The actual move went well.  Urchin & I took Kore in her cage & the 2 Kittahs in their carriers to the new place along with litter boxes, food etc.  Once they were set up, we went back & met JR & Eric for the actual move.  Everything pretty much fit in the 4x4x8 trailer.  The electronic things went in Urchin’s car, the 2 tall bookshelves went in JR’s SUV & the queen size mattress & boxsprings fit in my truck bed with the tailgate down.  It was misting some but the real rain held off until everything was moved.


Urchin said...

Um, her name is Gigi, not Gina...:(

BalladSinginSue said...

OK, I fixed. :-)

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