Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring & Spring Business Has Arrived

OK, so I have spent 3 of the last 4 work breaks running all over the place.  First I visited my daughter in Ashburn to help her pack (which she didn’t need as it turned out) and to coordinate her planned moving day.  My truck and utility trailer were to be involved as well as JR and Eric so some advance planning was needed, at least on my end.  She had her end nicely organized and on track.


Wicket in the all packed up bedroom

The second work break was dedicated to some serious shinning times at the OVPR Rendezvous near Surry Va.  This Vous is usually the 1st one of the season for me so there’s more packing and planning involved than usual.  Plus I could leave here as early as Tuesday this spring, although post work exhaustion and packing reality pushed the departure back to early Wednesday morning.


My Lodge at OVPR

The  third work break was moving time for the Urchin.  It took some serious Mighty Mouse work to get the utility trailer swung around & hooked up to the truck – low tire pressure + heavy trailer = much sweat & umphing.  But hooked up it got & moving went smoothly.


Urchin Packing the Shower Curtain

So this last work break found me catching up.  I’d cleaned my Vous clothes Sunday after the event, but I hadn’t time to do more than unload the rest of my gear into my kitchen.  This break I cleaned all my Vous cookware, put away the Vous clothes and gave my cold iron items a new coat of flat black anti-rust paint.

ColdIron (1)

So now the 4 lantern stands, 3 cooking tripod pieces, 2 blow pokes, utensil stand, flag pole stand and tent stake puller are all nice and black.  While I was at it I also wire brushed and painted the aquarium stand that will soon be at my Urchin’s new digs.


While the wind died down of an afternoon so I could do all that spray painting, it picked back up that evening.  Thus I could sit out back for the first time this year and watch the woods grow dark but a fire in my fire ring just wasn’t a sound idea.   The tree frog chorus was magnificent.

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