Oh boy, oh boy, its RENDEZVOUS! I got all packed up last Sunday, everything but the sharp edged things and the food was in my mule Methuselah. I got home Wednesday morning, slept for 4 hours, put the rest of my kit in the mule, saw to the cats’ needs and I was off! There was a bit of traffic around Richmond but I made it to camp in 4 and a quarter hours. Unfortunately I didn’t make it to camp in time to set up before dark but I found a good spot and had the mule parked and set up inside for sleeping.

Henry & Deborah
So Wednesday evening I cruised around camp and got in some good old fashioned socializing time. In particular I spent some time with Missy Clark and then had a great catch up on all the news chat with Henry and Deborah.

Morning at the Registration Hut
Bright and early the next morning I unloaded the mule, drove it out to the parking pasture and then registered for the Vous on my way back into camp. By 11AM I had everything set up and had changed into my event attire.

My Fall OVPR Camp
The weather was delightfully warm and sunny, an excellent time to stroll around camp and finish my Hello How Are Yous. It took me awhile to make it all the way around camp but who cares, its Rendezvous!

Jay with his Double-barreled Shotgun
I had a nice but short chat with Jay who was heading out to shoot in the smoothbore match.

Sleeping Buck Skinner
I let sleeping ‘skinners lie and returned later to chat with this fine fellow. He sure looked cozy though.

Backroad Misfits
I was checking for good blanket trades as I wandered around but most folks didn’t have their trade blankets out yet. These folks had a blanket out but they didn’t have anything I wanted. They do have a really nice wood sign for their camp

Here’s another camp with a nice handmade wood sign for their lodge. I like how their medallion board hangs from lodge sign.

Friday was just as nice as Thursday – a bit cooler and cloudier but still a fine day to sit, enjoy the great outdoors and socialize.

Preacher Ken & Son
The Preacher Ken & his son played some mighty fine music of an evening at Dulcimer Dave and Mary’s lodge. No they’re not arguing, just looking pensive on purpose for the camera.

Late Breakfast or Early Lunch? Who cares? The weather was fine for bacon and eggs in the sun.

Lou at Feather’s Lodge
Feather (back left) has traded his wedge for a low sided wall tent. That’s Lou in the back right, 80 years young. Feather was still getting set up when I came by, his fire pit wasn’t even dug yet.

Wandering John (left) & Hootie Owl (right)
As Friday afternoon began folks were pulling into camp and the area was filling up nicely. Wandering John had come from the Southeastern and his camp was squared away when Hootie and another friend sat down to chat.

Chantel & Youngest Son
Chantel was seen in camp fixing a cloth stuffed toy escorted by her ever valiant younger son.

The Young Dragon Lord
Said son was taking his dragon out for a walk. He is an awesome kid, as is his older brother.

The Cloth Merchant’s Marquee
For folks that wanted to stock up on supplies for a winter of attire making the Really Nice Lady Who Sells Cloth Whose Name I Don’t Remember was there. She had just gotten this marquee and was really enjoying the way it let her set out her wares. I got apron tie webbing from her and plan to make my cloth for attire purchases next spring when I should have the funds to do so.

The Button Lady
The Button Lady was there too, with a nice selection of flat and shanked civilian buttons to finish off anything from a sailor’s jacket to a ladies gown.

Missy Clark of Barkertown Sutler
Of course there were traders for folks who are not of the sewing kind. Both Seams Colonial and Barkertown Sutler were there to cater to folks who want ready made or made to order clothing.

Tom of The Mountain Forge
Tom was all set up for folks who needed things other than clothing – shooting bags, swords, ironware and the like. Plus a grand selection of hard candy.
Yes that’s a cell phone he’s talking on. Because alas the OVPR was cut short – Hurricane Sandy was heading our way. Rain is one thing but high winds and canvas tents are not a good mix. The Vous was scheduled to run until Sunday noon but was shortened to Saturday noon with everyone off site by nightfall. Tom’s calling for his son to bring the trailer in so he can pack up. So I packed my camp up Friday afternoon with the intention of staying until later that night and then driving home. It started to rain as I was re-parking the mule, so I changed my plans and just headed home. It did feel really really strange to be home from OVPR before 10PM on a Friday, but there were things I needed to ready here if Sandy was coming to visit.

The new fence around the OVPR Memorial
So it was sad to be leaving early but good that everyone got a chance to take dry canvas home and get themselves ready for whatever Sandy was going to throw at us.