Tuesday, March 12, 2013


The Weekend had been wonderful – the temps were in the high 60’s, the party at the Chateau O’Brian had been grand and Da Urchin and I had had fun watching a DVD at her place.  Monday at work wasn’t so much fun.  It rained hard all night, my feet got soaked walking to and from the dining hall around midnight and it was still pouring down rain with lots of wind as I started for home at 6:10AM.  I was driving along a narrow section of VA 614 when I saw a large truck coming my way. I pulled as far to the right on the road as I dared, my passenger side wheels were off the road in the mud but it wasn’t quite enough.  The very big truck veered slightly towards the center of the road and WHAM BAM.


Mirror front post duck tape

My driver’s side mirror bounced off my driver’s side window and the mirror was now flapping in the wind.  I got it pushed back into the now broken frame well enough to get home without it banging around too much. 


Mirror side post duck tape

I duck taped it together later that day once the rain had stopped.  At least the Big Bad Truck hadn’t side swiped the whole side of my van, it just trashed the mirror.  I’ve got a replacement OEM mirror on order from Amazon.  The Haynes manual shows the mirror replacement as an easy job too.  It could have been much much worse, with a trashed van or me in a flood swollen roadside ditch. 

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