Thursday, March 7, 2013

This Snow Storm was Not Fun

It started snowing about 10PM and kept it up all night and most of the next day.  It was a very wet heavy snow with gusts of stiff wind, so a lot of trees suffered substantial limb loss. 


The Yard about 7AM

None of the downed limbs hit my roof, but the storm windows on one window were broken by a branch.  Most of the limbs were off the white pines but one good sized piece was broken off the maple tree.


Downed Limbs in my Front Yard 2 PM

Obviously I’ve got an extended date with my chainsaw once the snow melts.  I would prefer to see less not more of my chainsaw.


My Broken & Buried Lawn Lounge Chair

Another victim of the storm was my lawn lounge.  It got seriously center punched by a white pine limb.  I rescued it from the trash man 2 years ago but clearly its time has come. 


My Poor Lounge Chair after the Snow Melted



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