Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Joys of Home Ownership

This is a banner for the Brother's of the Tomahawk, a Masonic Lodge of Rendezvous Men. I'm obviously not a member, but I sure have been busy as a beaver of late. As of today the wood window & door trim as well as the aluminum storm window frames on my house have all been cleaned, sanded as needed and primed. My feet and legs ache from all the ladder work, my arms and shoulders are a bit stiff from the scrubbing, sanding and brush painting but the door and window areas are ready for the green trim paint I just bought. I'm a very tired but very happy puppy.


Gypsy Jane said...

Slight correction: That's Order of the Beaver. The Tomahawk Brotherhood is a different group.

BalladSinginSue said...

OH dear, I guess you can't tell your 'vous fraternal orders with out a guide. Guess I needed a sister to tell me 'bout the brothers.

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